Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Senioritis essays

Senioritis essays Every kindergarten student, after the first day jitters, cant wait to come back to school. Then the years drag on and we cant wait until summer vacation. High school rolls around the corner and we are excited to think about becoming seniors and what its like to be one. Well, when you become a senior the teachers say that you have something called senioritis. Ill have to tell you some of my experiences as a senior so far and what senioritis is to me. Now back when we were in junior high and we were the little kids there was one big difference that Ive already noticed, that is most of the upper classmen knew who we were and we knew who they were. That mostly had to do with having older siblings in the upper classes, but since they knew and liked us they didnt make fun of us too bad. Well, this year no one in the junior or senior classes knows who any of the little kids are. So, because of this we all say how small they are (even though a few of them are bigger than me) and how they have a locker and should learn how to use it. The little kids are so scared of us that they think if they look at us wrong were going to kill them or something, which none of us seniors have clued them in yet that they dont have to be scared of us. In ninth grade we all started to get sick of having to wait in the lunch line for the seniors to cut and let me tell you when the WHOLE senior class is in your lunch you get sick of it pretty quickly. Then you start to think, I cant wait until Im a senior and I can cut in front of all the underclassmen. This has been a tradition every year since Ive been here and Im so glad that weve been able to keep it going. It feels so good to finally get to do the cutting and have every one else wait for you! A big part of senioritis is that when you take classes in tenth and eleventh grade you plan ahead and take all the hard cla...

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