Monday, November 4, 2019

Parimary Article Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Parimary Article Summary - Assignment Example She asserted that in order to achieve success in the implementation and execution of the goals of TCN, it is essential that efforts are directed based on qualitative research, which can guide the future directions of the TCN paradigm. Doing this will ensure delivery of quality nursing care and resolution of diverse ethical issues, which are desired to achieve TCN goals. The nurses should be educated with a mindset of planning appropriate policies and understanding the cultures of different communities and how they are circuitously connected with the concept of care. This practice will help the nurses to educate the future generations and students about TCN. The foreseeable development towards TCN will surely help the world as a whole. The teaching of nurses on all possible levels of all cultures will help this multi-cultural world become a better place. To achieve success, it is necessary to develop the right strategies, training procedures, and education policies for nurses. TCN is still in progress and needs much hard work and dedication. Nonetheless, the theory of TCN and the efforts behind it are

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