Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Movie summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Movie summary - Essay Example Rusty’s role is that of the assistant project manager who assists Danny in the strategizing of their plan. Together, they recruit nine other men each with their own specialization in the field of crime. To complete the plan, they include a financier, in the person of Reuben Tishkoff, who also has an axe to grind against Terry for closing down his casino. The movie is an excellent example of the concept of project management, from the setting up of the goals to its accomplishment. The goal was to rob the underground vault of the three largest casinos in Las Vegas. Danny however has an ulterior motive in fabricating the heist, which he never mentioned to his accomplices, that is to win back his ex-wife Tess. Danny could be the project manager who leads the group in the performance of the task on hand. Danny exemplifies a charismatic leader who is very effective at motivating his ten man team. His vision was simple, clearly verbalized and understood making it easy for his followers to focus on the job. As a project manager, Danny is observed to be intelligent and confident; thus, he is able to execute his plan well and able to inspire his team. The Path-Goal Theory of Robert House can be applied in the leadership style of Danny. As defined in the theory, â€Å"a leader can affect the performance, satisfaction and motivation of a group by offering rewards for achieving performance goals, clarifying paths towards these goals and removing obstacles to performance† (Value Based Management , par 1). However, the theory also states that the effectiveness of the leader is based on situational factors. The situational factors that affect Danny’s leadership style are the varied personalities of his team and the high-risk environment where they will be working on. The management style of both Danny and Rusty is one of consultation and delegation. They had to delegate the different tasks to their members realizing that it was to the best interest of

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