Sunday, November 24, 2019

Calvin Coolidges Presidency essays

Calvin Coolidge's Presidency essays Calvin Coolidge was vice president during Warren Hardings presidency term. All of that changed on the night that Harding passed away in 1923. Coolidge then took over the rest of Hardings term. For the next presidential election, Coolidge won the election and become the 30th president of the United States. Anyone who was to research Calvin Coolidge would probably consider his presidency to be unsuccessful due to the state that American was in and the little efforts Coolidge made to change for the better. However, I believe that Coolidge was successful not through his actions but mostly through his thoughts, honesty and the messages he sent out to his fellow Americans. Coolidges major achievements were minimal and later on were made mockeries; however at that time in history had an impact. During his full term, Coolidge was successful at getting what he wanted. He was able to par the national debt and reduce income taxes so that consumers would be able to spend money. Along with taxes and debt issues, Coolidges actions included orderly growth of civil and military aviation, expansion of the services of the departments of Agriculture and Commerce, regulation of radio broadcasting, development of waterways, flood control, and encouragement of cooperative solutions to farm problems (McCoy, par.16). When dealing with foreign affairs, Coolidge supported a pronouncement rejecting war as a tool of national policy and agreeing to settle all squabbles by pacific means. This was integrated into international law through the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928. Although Calvin Coolidge did take few actions considered accomplishments, his few words and honesty is what I believe made him a successful president. This man nicknamed Silent Cal was very different. He urged his fellow citizens to examine the basics of their beliefs (Thomas, par. 22). C ...

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